冬令营第一天 2 月 1 日 周一 苏州 阴天
洪菲阳 diary 
today is winter vocation's first day. I leave my mom today. I feel happy and SAD. Why I feel happy and sad? They are opposite words! I feel happy because today I take horse car and do adventure training. I feel sad because I miss my parents!
You say, today is happy or sad? I don't know.
Topic ; leadership
I think a perfect leader is smart and lovely. He can conductor people and make them happy. When people feel sad he will say sth. to make them happy. When people feel angry. he will play with him and make him better. When people have question he will answer them. That is a leader in my heart. And you ?
沈卓 diary
Today is the first day of my winter camp. First, we play many interesting games. We take a swing, play jump bed. Second, we ride a horse car. It's very interesting. The horse is brown and cute, I like it. Today I'm very happy.
Topic : leadership
I think the leadership cans conductor people. Leadership is good and smart. And leadership can make people happy. When people is sad, leadership can make them happy, leadership can talk with them when the people is in trouble, leadership can help him.
何悦瑜 diary
Today is the first day of my winter camp. We get on the bus to go to suzhou. We are in the suzhou now. We play adventure training like running, sit on the horse car, and play the jump bed. I think jump bed is exciting. In the evening I am in my room. I think today is very happy for me.
施雨婷 diary
Today I am happy. We play many games. For example: swing, play the slide, take the horse car, do the games and now I go to sleep.
陈缤燕 diary
I am really happy today because we played a lot of games today. Such as take a horse car, swing the swing, do the small games. I think tonight I will not fall asleep.
我今天非常开心,因为我们今天玩了很多游戏。比如坐马车,荡秋千,做小游戏,骑在马上 ...... 我今天肯定会开心得睡不着觉。
丁涵章 diary
Today I am very happy to go to the winter camp. Afternoon I rode the horse car, play jump bed. The lunch, dinner is very tasty! How happy I am! I also rode the horse car. It's very cool! It's my first time to sit the horse car! The horse is cute. I like it very much..
今天我很高兴。我去了一个叫 CTVE 的冬令营。它有很多拓展活动。我骑了马,玩了吊索蹦床和“山洞”。最好玩的是坐马车,我坐在上面真舒服!这是我第一次坐马车。我什么都感到特别新奇。我甚至马也来了一次“亲密接触”。我非常喜欢它。今天我们玩到 17 : 30 。
今天真难忘 !
陆明旻 diary
I am really happy today! because we played a lot of games today. Such as take a horse car, swing and swing do the small games. I think tonight I will not fall asleep and today I'm so happy!
洪浩天 diary
Today,i felt happy.because it's the first day of CTVE winter camp.and i saw horses,dogs.camel and peacock.today i'm the first time to ride by horse car.i am happy.
Topic: leadership
I think the leader is the companys or a country's first.i think the leader is very good. And i think many people need to listen to the leader wants they to do. I think the people don't do those things the leader are angry and the leader don't like them. This is the leadership.
今天我很高兴,因为今天是 CTVE 冬令营的第一天。我看见了马、狗、骆驼和孔雀。我今天是第一次坐马车。我很高兴。
冬令营第二天 2 月 2 日 周二 苏州 雨天
洪浩天 diary
Today i am very happy. After lunch we have a lot of fun. We play CS gun, take the sticks, chicken dance and eagle catch chicken and so on. But i like cs gun very much. I use the gun to shoot many people. But jimmy shoot me and so many people. Today i am tired but i am very happy!
今天我很高兴。吃完午饭,我们举行了有趣的历奇训练。我们玩了 CS 枪,拿棒子,小鸡舞和老鹰捉小鸡等等。但是,我最喜欢的是 CS 枪。我用枪打了许多人。但是 JIMMY 打中了我和超多人。今天我很累,但是非常高兴!
洪菲阳 diary
Today i got up very early . After i brush my teeth, wash my face, i go to play! I play with jimmy! We play swing. I like to play swing. The wind is loud as i like! On the way home, i only want to say one word: cool!
今天我起得很早,打开门呼吸新鲜的空气时碰到外教 JIMMY 。我叽里咕噜地说了一堆外语,大意是问他今天完成什么作业。他也叽里咕噜地回了一堆,是说他的话题很多,还没想好。“ do you want to play?"jimmy 问道。我让他等一等,一把把沈卓拉出门外和 jimmy 一块儿去玩。来到了室外场地,我们去荡了秋千,那是一个唯一放松的游戏。
我们三个在秋千上聊了一会儿天。 Jimmy 不时地“淘气”,一会儿坏笑着挠我痒痒,一会儿用力地推我们,让我们吓得“魂飞魄散”,一会儿又装动物的叫声。我在秋千上,被他搞得不得安宁,只好回宿舍看电视。这真是一个愉快的早晨!
陈缤燕 diary
Today i am very happy, because we played a lot of games. We did some warm up exersices first. Then we played cs, we are very happy. Today i am so happy.
今天,我非常开心,因为我们玩了很多游戏,我们先做了一些热身运动,后来,我们玩了 CS ,我们非常开心。今天,我很开心。
张 辰 diary
Today i am very happy. Because jimmy played chicken dancing with us.
施雨婷 diary
Today is a happy day. We played lots of games and the food was good and i locked at the dogs.
陆明旻 diary
Today i am very happy. Because we played a lot of games. We did some exercises fist. Then we played CS, we are happy today. And i am happy too!
今天,我非常开心。因为我们玩了很多游戏。我们先做了运动。后来, 我们玩了 CS ,我们非常开心。还有,我也非常开心!
何悦瑜 diary
Today we play many adventure straining, like cs, jump cow. It is very difficult to do . This is a toy cow. It's big. I climb on its body. Jump cow is starts, i say. This cow up down. It's exciting. I like CS because this adventure training can shoot people. Jimmy and wangwang are one team. QiQi and student's are one team 2 rounds. We won the game. I like adventure training.
今天我们玩了许多历奇训练,比如玩 CS 、斗牛、射箭等。斗牛很难玩,这个牛是玩具,我爬上了牛背,我说:“斗牛开始!”这个牛上上下下,非常刺激。我喜欢 CS (打仗的游戏)因为这个历奇训练可以打人,杰米和王王一个队,绮绮老师和同学一个队。两局以后绮绮老师的队赢了!我喜欢历奇训练。
丁涵章 diary
Today i am very happy. I played a lot and played until 6 o'clock. In the afternoon we play forest stick. I win all the inning. I am very happy! And we also play gun war. The first inning, all of people are die. But in the second inning, though we hurt and die a lot, we won. And i didn't die. Teacher all congratulation us, oh yeah!
今天我很高兴,我玩了很多东西。在下午,我们先玩了“森林卫士”,我赢了所有局, YEAH !然后我们玩了枪战。第一局所有人都挂了。但是在第二局尽管我们“伤亡惨重”,但我们消灭了对方。耶!
沈卓 diary
Today jimmy fanny and i took a swing, it's very interesting. I can take it very high and jimmy is higher than me. Swing can make me happy and warm. Today i am very happy.
今天早上,因为太兴奋了所以起得特别早,正想把门打开看看蓝蓝的天空和红红的太阳,正巧碰见了外教 jimmy 老师。于是我和洪菲阳就请求 jimmy 带我们去荡秋千, jimmy 爽快地答应了:“ ok,let's go! ”于是,我们连蹦带跳地向秋千走去。
来到秋千地,我和洪菲阳连忙在一个喜欢的秋千坐上去。而 jimmy 则悠然自得地坐上了我们旁边的一个秋千。起先,总是 jimmy 比我们荡得高,后来,经过我们的努力,终于比 jimmy 荡得高了,我们高兴地喊“ i'm high! ”我今天过得真开心。我觉得 jimmy 是一个有趣、快乐的人,跟他在一起我会很开心的。
吴珏瑶 diary
Today we come to the hall to play cs. Before playing CS, i did the warm up exercise. After that we began to play the cs. Today i am very happy.
吃过早饭,我们来到大礼堂玩真人射击 CS 。在玩之前,我们做了热身运动。做完热身运动,我们开始玩 CS ,今天,我很开心。
陈信宇 diary
Today i am tired, but i am happy this morning. I play in a big activity room. At afternoon i played 2 littler games. First, we played the eagle catch chicken. Second, we played the sticks, it's so cool and we play a big game. It's shooting. The children vs teachers. I put the top gun. Firstly we are win, second we are win too. So i am happy, but i shot around. So i am tired.
冬令营第三天 2月3日 周三
Today i an happy. We had car racing, boating, horse riding,etc.
2013. 2 .4
Dear mom:
I am happy in the winter camp. I made a lot of friends. Mom how are you ?
Today i am happy. I play a lot of things. I played horse riding, car racing etc.the horse is very slow. And i am very comfortable. It's very cool. I wanted to take twice. But i waited for a long time. Oh no. But i am happy and tired. What's interesting!
Dear father and mother:
How are you? During the winter camp. I was very happy. I played a lot, like CS,horse riding etc. You don't need to worry about me. I am fine and i miss you.
Yours ben
I am happy today. We played horse riding, car racing, water ball etc. I like car racing. The car has two seats, i sit beside the staff. It's so exciting. I am so happy.
Today i am so happy. In the morning we played on the water, bicycle riding. Maze. In the afternoon, we played horse riding. At night we had a party. So we are very happy, and i am happy too.
2013.2 .3
冬令营第四天 2月4日 周四
Today we went to play speed boat. It's very fast! The wind was blow and blow, the water was fly and fly. When i get off the speedboat, i don't want to say any thing, i only want to say :"cool"
Today was the forth day of winter camp. We played many adventure training. We like it. It's exciting. Tomorrow, we will go back shanghai.
I am happy! We played games,visited budhha, played speed boat. I was tired.
Today i am very happy.after lunch we had a lot of fun, we rode the bicycle, played the speed boat, car racing and horse riding and etc. But i like the speed boat. I like it because the boat is very fast. It's very cool. I am very very very very very very very happy!
Today i felt very happy. In the morning, we played many interesting games, in the afternnon, we played speed boat. It's very cool and we played horse riding, i felt happy,although i felt tired.
Today i am very happy. In the morning, we did adventure training. In the afternoon, we played speed boat, it's so exciting.and also we played horse riding and car racing. We spend a happy day.
Today i am very happy. In the morning, we played training. In the afternoon, we played the speed boat, it's very exciting. And we played horse riding. We are very happy and i am very happy too.
Today i am tired but i am so happy. This morning, i played with sth. Afternoon, i went to play car racing, horse riding ,bicycle.so i am happy. But tonight i am sad because i would say goodbye to my friends.